
Galerie Frits is a tiny shop in Antwerp. The kind of shop full of local products that you would expect probably more in places like Marseille or Barcelona. We split up the webshop and the physical shop into 2 entities. 


The shop is located in one of the narrow cathedral houses of Antwerp. The house itself is one of the oldest in the city. We offer a whole variety of local products. We have a local beercabinet, a chocolates cupboard, but also a selection of products from Antwerp of Belgian makers. 

  • Aardvarks of Anarchy - greeting cards
  • Dirk Dribbelspier - postcards & totebags
  • Gustavo - handpainted planters and vases 
  • Helen B - cups with drawings
  • Juwellekes - pins made from keyboards
  • Karen Francois - mugs, doormats
  • Lion of Leisure - handprinted t-shirts
  • Mmmmar - handprinted teatowels
  • Mr & Mrs Tin - Belgian tin toy robots
  • Piece Unique - handmade ceramics
  • Ze Draait Door - handmade ceramics
  • Zeverij - screenprints, handprinted totebags
  • Zoppa - natural soaps & scented candles

As an extra we have our own collection of vintage pre-loved goodies that you can explore and buy on the first floor, where you will also find a massive illustration by Fatinha Ramos, that was once used to cover part of the city hall doing renovations. It is on permanent exhibition on the first floor.


The webshop is focusing on the artprints and card collection we offer. Here you can buy prints for both local and international illustrators online. The base are our own designs, undeer the name of Studio Frits, but there is lots more to see!